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Наші солдати
найбільш потребують

  • Who are we?
    We are a team of volunteers who initially raised funds for a huge range of needs of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and purchased some equipment abroad but eventually decided to focus on supporting Ukrainian entrepreneurs who reorganized their production for the army. We believe that supporting local manufacturers is more important than finding items abroad and organizing complex logistics from other countries.
  • How does it work?
    Almost like pending coffee. On our website, you choose the products you want to give to the brave military and pay for them. In a few days, we will transfer your funds to the manufacturers. And during the week, soldiers of the Armed Forces in hot spots will receive, for example, bulletproof vests or sleeping bags, paid by you.
  • Who receives paid products?
    Military from any unit of the Armed Forces. Requests from the military come to us or directly to manufacturers. Manufacturers (already having our funds in their accounts) hand over the necessary equipment to military units.
  • How transparency is ensured?
    Yes, we have created a transparent system for this. Through UAPAY, the funds from your card go to the account of the Charitable Foundation “Tam De Zhive Nadiya” (Where Hope Lives). The money can not be used for other purposes - the funds will be transferred to the accounts of legal entities of the industries whose products are displayed on the site.
  • Do you make money on these goods?
    Of course not. Most of the manufacturers presented on the website work on a volunteer basis, the price of the product includes only its net cost.
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